Tears and Trousers – A 20th December post By ‘Lanre Bucknor

Being a strong man includes being kind. That there is nothing weak about kindness and compassion. There is nothing weak about looking out for others. There is nothing weak about being honourable. You are not a sucker to have integrity and to treat others with respect.

Barack Hussein Obama

My wife once said and here, I paraphrase; “I have only seen you in tears twice since I’ve known you; when you talked about your dad and now”.

The now in that sentence being when my son was 3 weeks old, hospitalized and we were informed he has a 50-50 chance of survival. I’ve lived in more gratitude ever since especially when I watch the boy smile and whenever he displays amazing motor skills beyond his tiny amount of years.

There’s something that comes with adulthood, fatherhood and advancement in age; I can’t place it but I think it results into you being more aware of responsibilities towards others more than yourself alone, real men feel this everyday of their lives and women even seem to feel it the more especially when they’ve conceived and have offsprings.

I don’t know how I have come to become this way actually but more and more, my birthdays are less and less exciting and appealing as I become more advanced in age and yes, I am becoming very old that it actually scares me.

But hey, it’s not all gloom and doom, it’s been turpsy turvy though and basically that is what life is in itself. And whoever is not experiencing the ups and downs has literally stopped living, remember how the display on Vital signs monitors looks? Yeah, there!

The last one year of course have been eventful as it ought to and one of the things I have greatly invested my emotions in learning is discipline; I am still far off in my lessons as regards this but nonetheless, the fact that I am conscious about its learning is something.

Again, I started something and dropped it, I should return to it in the new year, I think I need to renew my intention as regards that because sincerely, the intention was clear initially but it drifted into something not meaningful and this made it less interesting for me to keep pursuing + I had so much on the plate that I seem to have ran myself into the ground physically and mentally too.

The last year isn’t really a bad one in terms of goals set and met but hey, I have not been called by Allah to his house yet and I have not put in enough work to drive a Mercedes or live in Magodo phase 2, heck, I haven’t even been able to learn Arabic either in Madrasah or even on Duolingo but I still breath and that’s a thing! And just as my Hausa people will say; “Babu wanda ya isa yayi maka abun da Allah baiyi ma ba”

I am actually excited for the coming year not because of myself per sè, but the possibilities that comes with my lil man starting out with formal classroom education, I am looking forward to how he interacts with his peers, how he learns to do things through the lens of humans not remotely related to him by blood and how he tends to transform from a chaotic toddler to that immensely smart human, it’s a lot to unpack, a lot of responsibilities mentally and financially but one I am looking forward to how I navigate because sincerely, I feel overwhelmed already as I know a lot of what the guy becomes rests on my person and to be quite honest, I am just going to beg Allah for wisdom and sustenance as to how to tread the path.

Zlatan with Dad!

I should learn to enjoy life more though; step out in the sun, feel the morning breeze, bask in the sun, taste fantastic non intoxicants, walk bare footed on the beach, look extremely handsome everyday, smile more generously and be a little selfish as regards worrying for the well being of others to the detriment of mine.

I think my mind is too fixated on achieving set-goals that it affects me enjoying life, so to say, I should live a little bit more “recklessly” going forward, if I perish, I perish, you know? 😃

At this point, I think I am becoming a bore; truth is, I don’t even know what i am writing as it looks increasingly like I have lost the mojo to write and sincerely, I have zero emotions towards what today is but its my birthday and ideally; I should cry if I want to!

Oh and about the tears, it’s needed because really I don’t know how to shed some when I am sad and overwhelmed anymore, except I remember my father and whenever I read this article I penned from circa 2017 – https://thelanrebucknor.wordpress.com/2017/08/28/i-didnt-cry-when-my-dad-died-by-lanre-bucknor/

Happy birthday ‘Lanrewaju.

Oju o ni tie l’ola Allahu Rabbi

Somewhere in Ilorin

7 Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. 8 Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil. 9 Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun—all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun. 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

⁃ Ecclesiastes 9: 7-10

Grateful for Zlatan (December 20th Series) by ‘Lanre Bucknor

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.”

Cynthia Ozick

I have come to realise that the biggest blessings are the ones which we do not necessarily remember or have time to ask the Almighty for and the realization of this, my friends, is the bedrock of gratitude.

I have to do this once again as is usual and it has to be very short because awareness is key. The awareness that most of us have a very short attention span and we hardly ever read if it’s not tied to something of great interest and or related to passing an examination or interview or anything of that nature.

The last year again brought all the emotions there is and then one more, which was absolutely surreal;

The universe threw me into fatherhood and then weeks into it, a trial of immense strain and that of lesson came to the fore;

My greatest gift in my thirty odd years of this journey called life came into being in the second month of the year and there was no word, no phrase or any sentence worthy to describe the feels, I know of nothing to say or do but to be grateful. It was unimaginably pure and surreal.

But then, the trial struck!

I took it upon myself not to tell anyone but only my nuclear family, a tiny number of extended ones and friends when my son got very ill, he was barely 3 weeks old and he was admitted at Massey street Children hospital for the same number of weeks.

The world of my spouse and I went into a frenzied spin, everything became dark and blurry. Emotions, finances and even physical and mental health of those directly involved went jagged and ragged. Yet, we, had to put up an appearance; I was observing Ramadan sawm, writing exams in school, showing up at work and resuming every day at the hospital except on days I had to stay back at school to write exams. It was total madness but we ploughed ahead while praying and hoping on God for the miraculous turnaround to be completed.

Zlatan came out of the period stronger and I was able to pass all my papers for the semester, well, not as best as it could have been, as I had to drop the ambition of making first class honors but I did pass with the help of Almighty Allah and the fantastic woman who is my level advisor in school.

In this period, I understood the importance of family, the importance of having a mentally strong spouse and the length a mother-in-law could go as she was rock solid, I can not even begin to describe all she did but she practically paused her own existence for Zlatan and for this, she can never put a foot wrong with me, she was everything and more!

I had to deal with my own emotions too through this period, my sanity and that of my spouse came to questioning, I put my spouse through an unnecessary bad time but she stood firm and unwavered, this woman stood beside and behind me despite me exposing her to bullcraps and together, we prevailed and survived that toughest period yet of our coming to be and still, Allah was magnanimous enough to give us something huge through my wife.

I do not take any of the things I own or owned for granted as I have said earlier, the real blessings are inherent in the things we do not remember to ask the Almighty for and the things we forget to be thankful to him for. And just like Dido said in her fantastic record that is white flag, nothing I own is truly mine.

I have trudged and survived another year and this year came with other responsibilities other than being a good human but also to be a good spouse and a responsible and present father.

This is the more reason why I am grateful for love, for life, for the people around me, for sustenance and for the ability to be able to show up on this day that is supposedly the day I was born, thirty odd years ago.

Today is my birthday, I am immensely grateful for everything said and unsaid, the trials and then the ability to prevail despite the stacked odds. Regular readers will notice I have barely spoken about personal achievements and milestone this time, I did cleared some of those things I set out to, I flunked some too to be quite honest but then, we will go again next year if Allah permits for oxygen to be in these lungs.

Today is once again my birthday and for the fact that it inches me closer to the day I am called to vacate this earth, I will cry if I want to.

And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent. ~ The Glorious Qur’an 65:3
‘Lanre Bucknor, ANIVS and here, a new nomenclature suffix manifests; The RSV!

365 shots of Adrenaline (December 20 series)

“Some day, you feel like the ocean. Some day, you feel like you are drowning in it” –

– Lora Mathis

I feel very old and I feel more alive in the same vein!

I felt every type of emotion in the space of 365 days. It was tough in parts, torrid in some and extremely exciting in some others parts.

The year started slowly and was moving steadily until it feels like everything spiraled totally out of control. Nothing was happening at once and then everything was happening at the same time, I felt stretched physically, emotionally and psychologically, it was mad hectic and ecstatic.

But then, bit by bit, the dust settled and still, things happened that made me lost control all over, the year ending tested everything I thought I knew or have figured.

While starting out this entry, I am almost certain the regular readers of this yearly submission and those who saw the many and constant celebrations would have thought this would start on a glowing term, that drums would be rolled out with loads of Amapiano but whatever was seen as results stretched every fiber of emotions in me, it was an extremely emotionally stressful year.

I had many firsts this last year though, there’s no need going into details but I am grateful for them, I am extremely grateful for having good people around me. I am grateful, for the unbelievably kind humans who are all willing to go to any length to make my life worth living. I am grateful, to Almighty Allah for them and for the privilege of bringing these fantastic humans my way too.

The new year will come with all the new feels, new expectations, set goals and hopefully by Allah, we will get some, if not all over the line; if one is alive to see them to fruition, that is.

In all, today is my supposed birthday again, I have assumed more responsibilities for another life and hopefully, will do for more life(s) in the coming year, I pray to Almighty Allah to grant me the grace, wisdom, sufficiency in all ramifications to fulfill my pact and part. I have been overwhelmed by emotions, I still am and just like I did on the day my mother walked without aid into island maternity on broad street, I will cry if I want to.

“It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.”

– Chuck Palahnuik

S. Alabi Bucknor: Gratitude for the Honour.

My father was a good man! I do not have any iota of doubt about this.

But I think he was a bit special too!

Yesterday was an emotional one for me especially and then for my family, but it was extremely refreshing to see everyone gather around again, to see everyone getting by inspite of everything.

My father was a special man not because of what a lot of people had to say about him before now and most especially yesterday, but because I witnessed some of those, even after his demise and for everytime people spoke about him in glowing terms, I keep hearing amazing new things he did for others in the very short period he had to spend here.

My father was a special man!

For having cramped so much amazing deeds for others while having so little in terms of finances and in all of his tiny 46years spent here.

Yesterday, we were truly honored for having everyone around, everyone who paid tribute, who dropped token for dua, everyone who whispered prayers for Dad, who whispered words of prayers for my family, who gave cash gifts and especially those all important prayers for our special man.

We never take any of those kind, kind gestures for granted, we never will do and just like my Dad used to advise, we will “never forget any good gestures availed us!”

We can not possibly thank everyone enough but we take solace in the fact that The Almighty Allah will aid us in repaying these huge gestures back to everyone.

This is from deep down and it is the purest form of our immense gratitude to God

And to all of you!

Thank you! 🙏

Of Everything, Nothing and Gratitude [December 20 series]

You are not obligated to win, you are obligated to keep trying. To the best you can do everyday – Jason Mraz

Time have literally flew by and I do not know how I have become this old.

The last year started on a bright note really, despite it being tough, torrid and downright unpredictable. My people won on so many levels and I did too, especially with the fact that I didn’t lose my way and my life but despite all the wins which would have been crowned by a new nomenclature suffix, this didn’t happen but I am immensely grateful.

At the earlier part of the year, I joined the parent of a little girl whom I watched grow and some few other good heads and collectively, we tutored Zai to winning a scholarship. This made me so elated and small as the scholarship might seem, small as my input feels to me, it was a big deal for me and again, I am grateful for this.

Through the lockdown and subsequent events following the pandemic of which one is the nationwide peaceful protest and the attendant economic downturn that resulted in deaths, hunger, loss of livelihood and general suffering in the land, my immediate family was at the very least able to hold it down and together, my friends thrived and people whom I really care about still have their heads above water, this lifts my entire soul and spirit but not beyond the occasional immense sadness that engulfs me seeing as people strive to no end; to see hunger, to see pain and to see extreme suffering avoidable with little sincere efforts by people at the helms.

A big lesson I thought I knew about but learnt practically this year was the “Kira Kita o dola” adage and the divine lesson embedded in the Glorious Quran chapter 8 (Al Anfal) v30; There was an endeavour I put everything in my capacity; time, money, knowledge, prayers and even physical energy into and Allah showed that He is the Almighty and that even with all the efforts sunk in, He would withhold it. However, some things I paid no real mind or attention to, endeavour I was half heartedly and comically committed to came to fruition.

I also started a new challenge, one that stretches me thin but I am so excited about, this is nothing huge but I look forward to the full immersion and conclusion of it.

I will give the botched endeavour another go in this new year and still pray that Almighty Allah make it happen if I get to live that long that is. I have however set a bigger target, I will continue speaking against and avoiding toxic traits and misbehaviours, I will continue striving to be a proper human and will forever not take any sentiment above humanity.

The last one year have been loads of everything that could possibly go wrong but sincerely, I’d be so ungrateful to say it was a bad year for me. Again, most of the people I hold dear to my heart still thrived in spite of everything.

I’ve grown so old now that it scares me how short I have left and Plato further scares me with this quote; “Our greatest fear should not be failure…but of succeeding at things in life that doesn’t really matter.”

Today is my supposed birthday again, I am full of gratitude , it’s another year off the total I am due on here and just like I did when nurses held me up for my mum to see on that fateful Friday at Island Maternity, I will cry if I want to!

“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer and let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.


gods Amongst Mortals [For my Mother(s)] by ‘Lanre Bucknor

It is your mother’s right towards you that you should remember that she carried you in her womb for several months and nourished you with the sap of her life. She employed all her essence to keep and protect you. She did not care if she herself went hungry, while you were fed to satiety; or to go thirsty herself, while your thirst was quenched; or to have no clothes, while you were well-covered; or to stay in the hot sun, while you were sheltered; She ignored her sweet sleep and tolerated the pain of sleeplessness for your sake. She protected you against the heat of summer and cold of winter. She bore all that pain in order to have you, and you may have her. You should know that you are unable to thank your mother appropriately unless God helps you and grants you the favour and ability to repay her.”

~ Makarem Al- Akhlaq, of Tobarsi. Vol. I, P.486; Risalat al-Huquq, Right 22: The Right of the Mother.


The mother to the rainbow

The sun, moon and galaxy of stars revere thee


Heart so sure

Early morning dew ain’t half as pure


Speech so sleek

Like water sourced from lukewarm spring


Old yet bold

Silky as milk, twinkles like stars, smooth as gold


Your instinctive care stops at forty

Intrinsic, even when one is faulty


Path leading from the cord

Powering through life with umbilical bond


Intelligence is sucked from thy Breasts

Your smile, a fresh breath of unadulterated air


Clever, steadfast, nature’s cure

Ultimate source of life, care and paradise

Oh Mother

Your prints line my body

Your touch, frees my soul


Oh mother

Everything god is you


“Your Mother, your mother, your mother,

Your father!”

وَوَصَّيْنَا الْإِنسَانَ بِوَالِدَيْهِ حَمَلَتْهُ أُمُّهُ وَهْنًا عَلَىٰ وَهْنٍ وَفِصَالُهُ فِي عَامَيْنِ أَنِ اشْكُرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيْكَ إِلَيَّ الْمَصِيرُ

And We have enjoined man in respect of his parents– his mother bears him with faintings upon faintings and his weaning takes two years– saying: Be grateful to Me and to both your parents; to Me is the eventual coming.

– The Glorious Qur’an 31:14

‘Lanre Bucknor writes from Lagos. This is for all mothers who is striving to make something out of their offsprings, we can’t possibly pay you all, we can only pray that the Almighty who elevated you all to a ‘god’ status bless you all immensely.

Special mention to my mum, Mrs K. S. Bucknor and Matron P. K. Ogunlade, God bless you all, dear gods.

Collective prosperity, unanswered question and rollercoaster of a year [December 20 Series] by ‘Lanre Bucknor

Our greatest fear should not be failure…. but of succeeding at things in life that doesn’t really matter.

~ Plato

It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement – that they seek power, success and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life

~ Sigmund Freud

One month ago, my parent’s first child turned 40. It was a wake up call for me and a kind of an alarm system rudely reminding me of how old I have become and how still, I have loads to get done. But Mitch Albom once opined that;

“Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out“.

Twice this year, my life flashed before my very eyes, once when my friends and I were returning from one of us’ birthday, our front tyre ran off in motion and another when a gas leak explosion happened in my new home but I have seen a day old kid leave this world and I have witnessed people who have lived and loved life till they become Nonagenarians, begging to leave; the lesson herein is that, once one is delivered, be it at the legendary island maternity like My mum did me or in the dingiest room in the remotest village, one is ripe for death but I am grateful for life. I however do not think I fear death, I just fear the thought of not having done enough for humanity, to be addressed as a fulfilled human.

This last year was a rollercoaster of a year, it was lessons filled and my friends achieved a whole lot, it was a year where and when the people I love did so much with their lives, I might not have done as much but it is one year where I am extremely happy for what people close to me have been able to achieve. I felt so elated at so many periods this year at the successes recorded by people close to me despite how tough the country have become and that alone for me, is quite a big deal.

The one question on everyone’s lips in the last six or seven years of my life is about marriage, I have had to answer that one question more than once this past year again and It is due for a proper address;

I am almost certain that being married to the right person is one of the most beautiful feeling in the world, I have never had the feeling, I want to, I will feel it and by Allah, it will withstand all the tests known to man. But then, marriage isn’t something one has absolute power over, it is more of a lottery than being a deliberate act, yet one has to be deliberate about it.

I have been asked about this to the point of it being a cliche and the easiest answer I have given is that, “I’d marry when God is ready to make me someone’s husband” but the truth is, people need to stop asking this question; as some are struggling to find their feet in life, some are struggling to get a compatible partner and heck, some do not even want to get married. We as humans need to learn to see from people’s perspectives and be considerate, I’d rather have a sit down with someone who is yet to and see what help can be offered; it could be an accommodation glitch, it could even be a simple or not so simple case of not being able find or identify a partner, which is quite a thing or maybe just like me, some are finding their own demon too tough to conquer; to be a proper human first, then a proper spouse afterwards.

All said, the last year haven’t been half bad, I achieved some of the things I have been working towards, I made friends, I lost some and I learnt a whole lot about how the human heart operates, I learnt to define and respect my place in people’s lives, I learnt that you could mean well yet be seen as being terribly bad but ultimately, people end up seeing through us, as time has a way of making things clear.

I lost money, I lost time, I am yet to conquer my negative tendencies fully but I gained much more, as I had the privilege of not losing my way, my life and my existence thus, we will give it a go again in this new year.

My father (May his undoings be forgiven), told us about names being golden; to protect it with everything we’ve got and never compromise it in return for anything in the world. He said, “know thy Rabb and worship no man, for man will never do anything except what God has permitted him to do, dance to the songs of the crowd if you will but never ever compromise on listening to voices of reason. Praise sing no mortal but appreciate good deeds and never ever forget whatever good you’ve been availed, no matter how minute it seem”.

I have tried as much to uphold these virtues as long as I have lived, I’d keep trying, I’d try as much to worship no man and I will do all I can to be the best kind of human possible.

Today is my birthday as I was told, it’s a year off when I am scheduled to leave the surface of the earth, I still haven’t gotten my life together but I am very grateful to Almighty Allah for life and living.

And like I did on the day I was born, I will cry if I want to.

Serenity is a balance between good and bad, life and death, horrors and pleasures. Life is, as it were, defined by death. If there wasn’t death of things, there wouldn’t be any life to celebrate

~ Norman Davies

‘Lanre Bucknor writes from Lagos and this is nothing more than just another December 20 series.

Clueless in Lagos [December 20 series] by ‘Lanre Bucknor

It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement – that they seek power, success and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life

~ Sigmund Freud

I have to keep to this tradition.

I have to keep this tradition of dropping an article to celebrate my birth anniversary but this year, I am clueless as to what to write.

Someone once asked and I quote; “have you ever felt you being too smart for you to be this broke?”, And this hit home.

The funny thing is, I am even clueless as to if I am actually smart and broke or I am broke because I am not smart.

I am clueless as to why I have to go through this much stress and achieved so little and I am even clueless if this whole thing is about me not putting in the work. I once asked my friend, ‘tunji Oladipo if I am a lazy human, of course, he stated that I am not and further stated reasons he firmly believes that I am not. But then, I am clueless as to whether Tunji regards me as his friend to the degree I regard him as one. Tunji is however a great human who have saved my skin on uncountable occasions and I am grateful for having him in my life.

This year, I haven’t been able to write so much, I think I have penned my best spoken word poetry so far nevertheless but I am clueless because I don’t even know if I have found my real purpose. I have not been able to nail down most of the things I planned on getting done this year and I question my own work rate. I question my own abilities and closeness to Almighty Allah or otherwise. I am clueless as to why I sin so much, why I don’t do much more good and what I need to do to make some of these things happen.

I am clueless as to how my believe and faith in this nation have eroded so much in one calendar year and how meaningless living in this country have become. I am clueless as to how I’d achieve my lifelong dream of leading my people to greatness will come to fruition because my people do not want to be led by visionaries and passionate human.

I am clueless as to how I am this old and not being able to get basics done. I am not going to blame this on anyone or anybody, I am going to have to retrospect and see where all went downhill. I am however clueless as to how go about the retrospection.

I am clueless on why age means so much to us humans yet success can be achieved at any period, I am so clueless as to why we forget our own story(s) easily. I am clueless as to why I leave things late to put them in motion.

I am clueless and I think it’s because I haven’t found real purpose!

Today is my birthday and I will cry not because I am clueless but will just cry to Allah for I feel that when all else fails, it’s the next best thing to do.

Serenity is a balance between good and bad, life and death, horrors and pleasures. Life is, as it were, defined by death. If there wasn’t death of things, there wouldn’t be any life to celebrate

~ Norman Davies

‘Lanre Bucknor writes from Lagos and this is just another December 20th post.

‘Lanre can be found of twitter and instagram via the @lordrooz handle. And simply Lanre Bucknor on LinkedIn and Facebook

Habeeb Anibaba and the campaign of Rhetorics by ‘Lanre Bucknor

It is but a fact, that your sincere critics are your true friends and those who shield you from the truth and do not tell you as is, do not want the best for you.

Habeeb Anibaba, Aspirant Representative of the Federal House of Reps, Oshodi Isolo constituency II should not believe he will not be called to question by some of us should he emerge and by Allah, he will. But before then, Habeeb Anibaba needs to answer unasked questions and avoid campaigns seen in negative terms.

This campaign should be a class apart and be away from the norm! Habeeb Anibaba needs to tell his electorates what he intends to do with the office and he will be held to it.

This is not the era of just empty rhetorics but an era of further maths politics where workings will be shown. Not only will promises be made but fulfillment will be measured through metrics agreed to by the electorate, Anibaba should break away from an unattractive norm.

Showing workings pay, for Anibaba is an intellectual and he needs to make people understand that this isn’t an executive position but a legislative one. Bills that will touch the constituency directly is what matters and not just rice, naira notes or vanities sharing. Anibaba needs to identify projects that needs urgent execution and make sure these are done through the agency saddled with this responsibility, he has TransperencIT, Tracka.ng, BudgIT, EIEnigeria et al to keep him on his toes and to follow progress up with these projects. For example, Jakande Estate doesn’t need boreholes nor new transformers or even classrooms, Isolo might need these amenities, areas in Ejigbo could too. Anibaba must be strategic with his constituency projects and know the extent to which he can impact.

Again, he must remind the electorates that this isn’t an executive position.

Hon Dauda Kako-Are of Mushin 1 constituency isn’t a saint, Kako-Are is not perfect and not even close to the best we could we get of a public officer but he connects with his people, he lives with them even if and when he isn’t around, his aides aren’t arrogant and he empowers his friends and foes too, something Anibaba has been known to do albeit in his own little way and that’s why he has amassed this level of support. Anibaba needs never to forget that politics is local and grassroot is key, the way you leave the home will be what you’d be back to meet in four years when you want to renew ambition or want to aspire for higher endeavor.

Anibaba should also have it at the back of his mind that he is on a groundbreaking and history making path, whatever he does will pave way for younger aspirants with dreams in and around his constituency, he has real life lessons to learn from his predecessors be it in positive or negative terms.

Anibaba must build the constituency, he must build the constituents and he must expand the leadership net just like the very Honorable Kehinde Bamgbetan, the Jagaban of Ejigbo as he is fondly called has done, Anibaba must have it at the back of his mind that, there is no success without a successful successor.

Anibaba must build on this and many more for he will be back in 2023 to seek his constituent’s support to return to the hallowed green chamber.

Or maybe, just maybe, the Red one!

Lanre Bucknor is an Estate Surveyor by qualification, profession and practice. He writes from Lagos.

‘Lanre tweets via @lordrooz, instagrams with the same handle and blogs via http://www.wordpress.lordrooz.com

Grassroot politics, direct primaries and the concept of Home. By ‘Lanre Bucknor

Politics is local as it is always said!

The Commissioner we are enjoying perks from today hails from the hood. When all else fails, everyone returns to their home constituency.

Dr. Abdulhakeem AbdulLateef tilted more towards the hood now when he understands the concept of grassroot politics and it’s attendant importance, he found out a little bit late in his political life but early enough to salvage his political grassroot relevance.

Hon. Tony Nwulu that we are trying to replace went to Imo with our commonwealth, how many Jakande Estate, Isolo constituents have you heard the Hon. Idimogu fellow touched directly? you would probably hear good words about him at canoe axis of this divide.

Hakeem Muniru will be more tilted towards the people of Isolo when the goodies arrive, he was once at the green chamber and he never knew us, while Ago Okota people will enjoy more if Bola Ahmed Oseni Emerges.

Distinguished Senator Yayi who is supposed to be the senator representing this district at the hallowed red chamber have never for once even visited us talk more of even touching our lives directly, he will first attend to the people of Alimosho if and when he is not trying to be the governor of Ogun state with the resources that belongs to you and I.

Do you know that Youths in Imo are calling Tony Nwulu to come be the governor? 4 years of our own commonwealth sunk into the governorship ambition of another state. There’s so much a commissioner can do, it’s an appointment position.

There’s so much a legislator can do despite it being a terminal position but if you support your own even if he doesn’t perform up as expected, you would have liberated the generation of one of your own and positively change the story that belongs to us and you can easily call him to question.

We need more top class political office holder to come from this hood, the goodies can become bigger and more life reaching. The effect can be more sustainable than these cups of rice, low quality fabrics and a few naira notes.

Have you asked yourself when last we had a member of the green chamber hailed from the hood? Remind me when last for I am waiting.

Food will be digested and defeacated, Money is a temporal thing, it comes and goes irrespective of the level of plans put in place, I read somewhere that Robert Kiyosaki of Rich dad, poor dad fame is bankrupt. Fabrics will fade and pilgrimage will change the life of a selected few but a lasting legacy will remain long after the deed doer have left the shores of Mother Earth.

Asiwaju is a super strategist, he held Lagos down, went back to the drawing board and negotiated sound political deals with having the 4th best economy in Africa.

Jagaban was able to do this because he never let go of Lagos even after clinching national relevance, he never sold out on Lagos, his local constituent even for Federal might.

The concept of direct primaries is a strategic game of numbers and this hood have the numbers.

Do not allow one of you use you against one of you for blood will always be thicker than water. The APC prides itself as a broom party signifying togetherness, this hood shouldn’t act otherwise.

Remember and note this day; politics is strategic, politics is not being heedless, politics is a game of number and you have the numbers required to swing this in one of you’s Favour! Politics is local and when push comes to shove, everyone will return home, for home is where the heart resides!

‘Lanre Bucknor is an Estate Surveyor by profession and practice. He writes from Lagos.

He hosts a WordPress blog at http://www.thelanrebucknor.wordpress.com and tweets via @lordrooz.