#20.12.2012: My Gratitude


I’d first and foremost give glory to Almighty Allah who have spared me up until this moment. Its been a bumpy jolly good ride since the 80s. My birthdate this year has a significant numerical configuration.

On this day #20.12.2012, I felt loved beyond comprehension, I lost all skills of writing and voices of speech. It was an incredible experience.

Phone calls that caught me off guard came in droves especially from @sagaysagay, @jaycax and a certain number (08121851958), this person rained prayers on me, I am still the stunned and in the dark who this awesome human being is. @ogungbedeji, @gbengaosowe, @oscarpoems and @nykelodeon also dropped by. Sagay and Nicholas were at their humour best! I got numerous calls too that I shouldn’t have were just totally unexpected except for that of deji, nicki and gbenga, they were surprise packages. Gbenga wrote a poem and even spared space to give props therein.

On BBM, it was another world entirely. I’d look into my recent updates and all I saw was ME! It was simply magical. I saw pictures of myself I had forgotten existed, and I got over 20 new friends contacts, part of whom are Mrs Anaba and Seye. How would you feel , if say 160 of 190 of your contact have DPs or PMs or Both wishing just you a happy birthday? I have no word for that awesome feeling! I got Voice notes of friends singing birthday songs to me.

My NOKIA phone with its durable battery was left charging so as not to run out of steam, same with my BlackBerry device as PHCN surprisingly behaved unusually sane in my area recording 5minutes less 24hours of electricity!

I have lost count of my FACEBOOK friends but I got over 300 facebook wishes, I felt Alive!

@omolittle22 works with searchFM in Minna and she took out time of her programme to dedicate Evi Edna Ogoli’s birthday song to me, that was just magnificient.

TWITTER folks were all over the @lordrooz handle, series of prayers and wishes. @tlatifah posted links to some of my write ups to cemebrate the day, y’all gave me that star feeling, I was on cloud 9.

What will I ever do without hommies in the hood? I had little to share in the spirit of the day, they understood perfectly and rejoiced with me. Bioye came purposely to take me out for a drink. Thanks to mum, little bro called all the way from Akure, baby brother played a part, thanks to my sister and my elder brother described me as ‘the best brother/ friend anyone could ask for’. I was humbled.

A whole lot of ‘HYPO’ description of me but I took all in the spirit of the special day, afterall, there is no smoke without fire.

I can go on and name everyone here but its not wise because of the nature of this piece.
And my sincere and deepest regards to those who didn’t remember for one reason or the other, its only human to forget and that’s absolutely normal, I won’t have appreciated those who did this much. I appreciate everyone!

I have bored you guys a enough and G Hamper closed the day with his remark: ‘You are forever young’. Gratitude to the ‘Empress’, she got me a Sneakers. πŸ˜€