30 Seasons of Loneliness. [A sololoquiy] By ‘Lanre Bucknor

I was born in a country where irrespective of how the weather looks, it is regarded as being wet or dry, it is the way we were wired by our colonial masters. 

This article right here relates a part of me that most people do not get to meet often but that which is alive and only few people notice;

I walk around with a big scar!

It’s simple, I am one who doesn’t get over people with huge influence on me quickly, folks might say I do not grow or I am a weakling but some pains stays for a life time.

I am lonely, I have actually been lonely for the better part of the last 15 years. Yeah! I have been great and lively as people who are close enough will say but the truth is sometimes and on most nights, I reminisce on a part of me who have been absent for that long.

I miss my Dad!

I haven’t achieved so much in life, I am grateful to the Almighty for His mercies. I have faith and assurance that a whole lot of what I want haven’t been achieved but tomorrow waits and will be better.

For every milestone, small as they might seem, I have missed celebrating them with him, I have missed rushing home to give glad tidings of these little achievements.

I have been all alone in my world for 30 seasons.

I want to shake it off but it’s tough, I have lived with this for 15years and this scar can’t just be wished away. It’s a scar that never goes away and becomes painful with every touch.

It’s a tough call for me to have penned this, I cried! Don’t, on my behalf, it will never be easy to get used to this pain but I have, despite it being a tough thing to do.

But then, sometimes, people with the liveliest lives and the biggest smiles move about with the highest kilo joule of pain.

Even I am a witness!

‘Lanre Bucknor writes with a scar and a big smile from Lagos. He is on twitter and Instagram via @lordrooz

3 Replies to “30 Seasons of Loneliness. [A sololoquiy] By ‘Lanre Bucknor”

  1. It is difficult to face the devastating period we go through when someone very dear and precious is no longer with us.
    Islam places dire emphacy on expressing condolence n sympathy. We are social creatures who are meant to indulge in activities that enhance interpersonal relationship to increase the feelings of love, compassion n acquaintance in the depressed soul.

    Allah says:
    Give glad tidings to those who patiently endure, who say when afflicted with calamity: To Allah we belong and to Him we return.They are those on whom (descend)blessings and mercy from their Lord, and they are the ones who receives guidance. Quran 2:255-257

    Indeed! Whatever Allah gives or takes belong to Him and everything is predestined by Him. (Sahih Bukharin & Muslim)
    O Allah reward me with my calamity and replace my loss with a better one. (Sahih muslim)
    ……and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient (Qur 8:46)

    I lost my dad this month 15 years ago.To be precise August 19, 2001.

  2. I see in this piece, an attempt to let out something that has been gnawing at the strings of your heart. That is very healthy. From some situations, we never fully heal, so I understand when you talk about a yawning gap, a missing link or something like that.
    There’s a lot of strength in an individual who despite having something that makes him sad at a time, goes around bearing a smile on his face. I salute that.
    Seeing as you have paid homage to the memory of the departed elder Bucknor, I join you in celebrating his impactful life, one that has urged you on in this challenging world that we live in.
    A word of prayer from my heart of hearts is that you (and your sibs) will scale heights Pops could only imagine, with ease. The Almighty will ease your affairs, and make you sources of joy to Momma, and yourselves.
    Cheers mate.

    1. This is another powerful one from dear oscarpoems. This could actually pass as another article. Thanks Oscar! I say Aameen to the prayers! Keep being awesome baba!

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