Like a ghost in the night

Like a witch in flight

Like a child in fright

And like zenith on height


Like a babe in tight
Like the Sunnis and shiites

Like the Nigerian plight

Like the cargoes in freight

Like the gods in might

Like a city through blight

Like the klitchkos in fight

Like the flying of kite

Like the speed of light

Like a thief in the night

Like the blind man’s sight

Like Kilimanjaro’s height

I have gone through shites

I have been on awesome heights

But whatever my present plight

The future, surely is bright

Reflections on metaphysics I can be found here

‘Lanre Bucknor had a tough time naming this set of rhymes such that this lies fallow for long in his note pad. This started playfully but ended up making sense or maybe not.

Lanre can be further engaged on twitter and Instagram via @lordrooz


This was originally published on and for by ‘Lanre Bucknor

The Estate Muslim Youth (TEMY)

And so, I got you with that title because apparently, you thought I was going to campaign for the famous ATIKU ABUBAKAR but no, this is not the case, at least, not yet.

If you are expecting a campaign for the former Vice president of the Federal republic or probably picking out your sword to call me names, you can do well to stop reading now but if not, be our guest.

Little Atiku right here is the son of my hood Muslim Commuity’s central mosque Maiguard. A jovial, livelier than life and full blown troublemaking boy synonymous with kids of his age. Atiku speaks good English and Hausa as standard for one of his age.

Of the more than 200 images Raheemah Fashola of @Rah_redphotos [see Instagram] took for The Estate Muslim Youths[TEMY] 1438AH Hijrah Rally and Professional seminar, this particular image won my heart by miles despite the…

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Same Ni. @Oddy4real & @Omojuwa.

Tola Sarumi penned my thoughts here.


I read Japheth Omojuwa and Ayokunle Odekunle ‘s pieces and might I say that it’s rather odd how easily we’ve latched on to these reductive descriptors?

President Buhari won the Twitter vote. Yes, I know, elections are not won on Twitter, etc. We get it.  I was amongst those who dared to believe that Buhari understood the issues at hand and he’d get right to addressing them, I was under no illusions about him being the man to move us forward as such, rather one who’d suture our national wounds and staunch the bleeding. But, he appears to have been surrounded by a coterie of  praise singers whose mission is to shield the president from the ‘facts on ground’, as it were. The truth as they see it starts and ends with identifying the president’s enemies and his well-wishers. Given how openly self interested our politicians are, these people are…

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#1438CopaHijrah: The Semi Finals Preview [Semi final 1]

The Estate Muslim Youth (TEMY)

The 1438 Copa Hijrah is on amidst tackles, sweat, blood, swift attacking play, nerve wrecking pressure, superb defensive grits, bone breaking interceptions, amazing skills and awesome tactical finesse on display.

There also have been banters and again this season, the defending champions crashed out in the preliminary rounds without winning a game. After the backdrop of fiwakesin’s exit last season, Adura Agba, their perennial arch rivals toed the line in a more abysmal fashion by losing all their games.

The semi final pairings have been concluded and Saturday 15th of October brings forth another massive day for copa hijrah footie.





3 3 – - 9. 5 9 4. 1ST

Fiwakesin won the supposed group of death without dropping a single point.

That alone should send a shiver down the spines of their…

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Tomorrow waits! [A soliloquy] By ‘Lanre Bucknor

Tomorrow waits

With its gnawing uncertainty

But I will seize this moment

This moment of uncertainty

To leave the obvious

An obvious uncertainty

And walk 


Far away

In search of the uncertain

An uncertain happiness

I am gonna walk

With the pain

In the wilderness

I will 

romance this uncertainty

Till I am certain

Once again

And this time

It will be certainly

For ever

Forever more


Tomorrow waits

And so will I!

‘Lanre Bucknor writes from Lagos with elements of uncertainty because he knows that there is his own plan and there is God’s plan. He believes God’s plan is better than his although he tends to be wary at times. He can be found in a near natural state on twitter and Instagram as @lordrooz.