Same Ni. @Oddy4real & @Omojuwa.

Tola Sarumi penned my thoughts here.


I read Japheth Omojuwa and Ayokunle Odekunle ‘s pieces and might I say that it’s rather odd how easily we’ve latched on to these reductive descriptors?

President Buhari won the Twitter vote. Yes, I know, elections are not won on Twitter, etc. We get it.  I was amongst those who dared to believe that Buhari understood the issues at hand and he’d get right to addressing them, I was under no illusions about him being the man to move us forward as such, rather one who’d suture our national wounds and staunch the bleeding. But, he appears to have been surrounded by a coterie of  praise singers whose mission is to shield the president from the ‘facts on ground’, as it were. The truth as they see it starts and ends with identifying the president’s enemies and his well-wishers. Given how openly self interested our politicians are, these people are…

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