LOWER YOUR GAZE [A Rhythmic admonition] By ‘Lanre Bucknor


A stunner of a babe

Strolled into my work space

But like a child in haste

I lowered my gaze



Like a smile

Hiding a brace

And like a slap

Birthing a daze

I fear the maze*

Leading to that blissful place**


The monumental craze

Leading to the raging cage***


And so,

I have lowered the Mace

For the chase of vain gains

And I have acted with a heart this plain

Like the prophet warned and maintained

I have lowered my gaze

To clearly see better days

‘Lanre Bucknor writes from Lagos and is never a saint, he tries so so hard to conquer his inner perverted self, although it is a tough thing for him to do but he strives irrespective because Q24: 30-31. ‘Lanre actually felt like a hypocrite while penning this but maybe, just maybe a rehabilitated one.  

‘Lanre can be further engaged on twitter and Instagram via @lordrooz

*see maze as the sirat bridge **Jannah  [Paradise]  ***Jahannam [Hell]

​ESTATE SHOPS DEMOLITION: The Good, The Bad and The necessary [AN ANALYSIS] By Oladimeji Abdul Kabeer

To start with, I’m also a victim of that demolition exercise, likewise many of my friends. I have been able to dissect the situation under the following sub topics:


The Government has NO justifiable moral grounds to carry out the demolition because, the jakande estate have suffered immense neglect from all administration after that of Alhaji Lateef Jakande. As a result, the Government is abysmally insensitive, wholly inconsiderate and generally unfair.


No single palliative have been put in place by any Government of Lagos state or Local Government whenever in lieu of this or any other endeavour. I remember when the in-road of the Estate gate was a nightmare , it took the intervention of a church to get it fixed.


To avoid argument, what the government has done is totally immoral but LEGAL. A lot of Estate dwellers have massively abused the opportunity of Government negligence to perpetrate undue oppression on others. Some residents have as many as four shops to themselves surrounding their block therein constituting avoidable oppression on people with single shops. This has equally brought haphazard structures that defies uniformity. I know some 3bedroom flats by default design which has been turned into 6bedroom bungalow en suite by attachments. This is simply unacceptable.

As a fallout from ownership of more than one shop space, good neighbors have turned enemies initiated from space ownership or location. Escalations from such is a common place in the Estate.

About 40% of the shop in estate are beer parlors/Bars and gambling centers. How exactly can we rule out crime tendencies with such noticeable percentage? 

Government itself had defrauded it’s own people via LBIC and Local Government who consistently levy all shop operators till few hours before the demolition. Either the fund are been remitted to state Government or not, is not our duty as resident except if state Government can prove that Local Government and LBIC are illegal institutions.


More often than not, it is quicker for government to demolish than to showcase the reason for the demolition. It is not unlikely that the demolished structures will be left for the next dispensation as Government works with budget. This will translate to further frustration from residents as they will likely have a feel of “the shops were demolished for NOTHING”.

A lot of arguments have been forwarded on compensation. As much as it is good to hear, a question of right way to do a wrong thing could pop up.  

SUMMARILY, I am of the strong opinion that the residents have done the best they could to portray the phrase –survival instinct. They have immensely contributed to the economy in their own way as numerous youths were turned into entrepreneurs and the emergence of the so called shanties are a direct reflection of consistent Government neglect  BUT whether or not demolition is the right action is a continuous debate between LEGALITY and MORALITY. 

Abdul Kabeer Oladimeji grew up in the Jakande Housing Estate, Oke – Afa and is a  medical practitioner. He has since moved on with life outside the Estate but still a stakeholder therein, He is married with 3 beautiful kids.

**Opinions are solely the author’s and do not necessarily represent the view held by the admin of this blog.

​The innocence of Maya [Rhymes for Maryam] By ‘Lanre Bucknor


Have you met Maya?

The second daughter of Didibuck and Preshar

The lil sister of Yelena

And a cousin to Sophia

Sunnatically named Mareeya

After the Daughter of Zakariyah

The virgin Momma of prophet Isa

Given birth to in the city of Ajah

In Lagos – Nigeria

In the holy month of Ramadan

Also named after Angelou Maya

By her uncle the lazy scribbler

These little lines of fire

Depicts the innocence of Maya

And so, I ask all of ya

Have you met Maya?


Lanre Bucknor writes from Lagos and writes for the poor, the bereaved, the long gone ones, those behind steel bars, those on hospital beds, for the hustlers, rustlers, settlers, for the loved ones and this, for his beautiful little niece, Miss Maryam Maya Bucknor.

‘Lanre can be engaged directly on twitter and Instagram via @lordrooz