​The innocence of Maya [Rhymes for Maryam] By ‘Lanre Bucknor

Have you met Maya?

The second daughter of Didibuck and Preshar

The lil sister of Yelena

And a cousin to Sophia

Sunnatically named Mareeya

After the Daughter of Zakariyah

The virgin Momma of prophet Isa

Given birth to in the city of Ajah

In Lagos – Nigeria

In the holy month of Ramadan

Also named after Angelou Maya

By her uncle the lazy scribbler

These little lines of fire

Depicts the innocence of Maya

And so, I ask all of ya

Have you met Maya?


Lanre Bucknor writes from Lagos and writes for the poor, the bereaved, the long gone ones, those behind steel bars, those on hospital beds, for the hustlers, rustlers, settlers, for the loved ones and this, for his beautiful little niece, Miss Maryam Maya Bucknor.

‘Lanre can be engaged directly on twitter and Instagram via @lordrooz

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