LOWER YOUR GAZE [A Rhythmic admonition] By ‘Lanre Bucknor


A stunner of a babe

Strolled into my work space

But like a child in haste

I lowered my gaze



Like a smile

Hiding a brace

And like a slap

Birthing a daze

I fear the maze*

Leading to that blissful place**


The monumental craze

Leading to the raging cage***


And so,

I have lowered the Mace

For the chase of vain gains

And I have acted with a heart this plain

Like the prophet warned and maintained

I have lowered my gaze

To clearly see better days

‘Lanre Bucknor writes from Lagos and is never a saint, he tries so so hard to conquer his inner perverted self, although it is a tough thing for him to do but he strives irrespective because Q24: 30-31. ‘Lanre actually felt like a hypocrite while penning this but maybe, just maybe a rehabilitated one.  

‘Lanre can be further engaged on twitter and Instagram via @lordrooz

*see maze as the sirat bridge **Jannah  [Paradise]  ***Jahannam [Hell]

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