Thorns. Bed. And Roses. By ‘Lanre Bucknor

The smell of your fragrance
In my room
In my bed
Lingers long
Long after you’ve left

The smell of your fragrance
Leaves your presence
Right here
With me
In my heart
In my soul

The sweetness of your fragrance
Radiates the shadow
Of your figure
The melodious tone of your voice
Music to my hearing
Twinkles to my eyes
Food to my soul

The aroma of your fragrance
Left on my pillow
Still has full effect
On my being
After you left

You’ve left
But your fragrance lingers

You’ve left
Never to return!

‘Lanre Bucknor writes from Lagos and wrote this for those who miss someone whom they have considered important at some point but looking deep down, the best thing that happened to them was the someone leaving their lives.

‘Lanre believes there is nothing bad in missing these kind of people for, they leaving doesn’t necessarily make them bad but could mean an open door for someone better and perfect fit to walk through. A form of answered prayer!

‘Lanre can be found on twitter and Instagram via the @lordrooz handle.

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