Habeeb Anibaba and the campaign of Rhetorics by ‘Lanre Bucknor

It is but a fact, that your sincere critics are your true friends and those who shield you from the truth and do not tell you as is, do not want the best for you.

Habeeb Anibaba, Aspirant Representative of the Federal House of Reps, Oshodi Isolo constituency II should not believe he will not be called to question by some of us should he emerge and by Allah, he will. But before then, Habeeb Anibaba needs to answer unasked questions and avoid campaigns seen in negative terms.

This campaign should be a class apart and be away from the norm! Habeeb Anibaba needs to tell his electorates what he intends to do with the office and he will be held to it.

This is not the era of just empty rhetorics but an era of further maths politics where workings will be shown. Not only will promises be made but fulfillment will be measured through metrics agreed to by the electorate, Anibaba should break away from an unattractive norm.

Showing workings pay, for Anibaba is an intellectual and he needs to make people understand that this isn’t an executive position but a legislative one. Bills that will touch the constituency directly is what matters and not just rice, naira notes or vanities sharing. Anibaba needs to identify projects that needs urgent execution and make sure these are done through the agency saddled with this responsibility, he has TransperencIT, Tracka.ng, BudgIT, EIEnigeria et al to keep him on his toes and to follow progress up with these projects. For example, Jakande Estate doesn’t need boreholes nor new transformers or even classrooms, Isolo might need these amenities, areas in Ejigbo could too. Anibaba must be strategic with his constituency projects and know the extent to which he can impact.

Again, he must remind the electorates that this isn’t an executive position.

Hon Dauda Kako-Are of Mushin 1 constituency isn’t a saint, Kako-Are is not perfect and not even close to the best we could we get of a public officer but he connects with his people, he lives with them even if and when he isn’t around, his aides aren’t arrogant and he empowers his friends and foes too, something Anibaba has been known to do albeit in his own little way and that’s why he has amassed this level of support. Anibaba needs never to forget that politics is local and grassroot is key, the way you leave the home will be what you’d be back to meet in four years when you want to renew ambition or want to aspire for higher endeavor.

Anibaba should also have it at the back of his mind that he is on a groundbreaking and history making path, whatever he does will pave way for younger aspirants with dreams in and around his constituency, he has real life lessons to learn from his predecessors be it in positive or negative terms.

Anibaba must build the constituency, he must build the constituents and he must expand the leadership net just like the very Honorable Kehinde Bamgbetan, the Jagaban of Ejigbo as he is fondly called has done, Anibaba must have it at the back of his mind that, there is no success without a successful successor.

Anibaba must build on this and many more for he will be back in 2023 to seek his constituent’s support to return to the hallowed green chamber.

Or maybe, just maybe, the Red one!

‘Lanre Bucknor is an Estate Surveyor by qualification, profession and practice. He writes from Lagos.

‘Lanre tweets via @lordrooz, instagrams with the same handle and blogs via http://www.wordpress.lordrooz.com