365 shots of Adrenaline (December 20 series)

“Some day, you feel like the ocean. Some day, you feel like you are drowning in it” –

– Lora Mathis

I feel very old and I feel more alive in the same vein!

I felt every type of emotion in the space of 365 days. It was tough in parts, torrid in some and extremely exciting in some others parts.

The year started slowly and was moving steadily until it feels like everything spiraled totally out of control. Nothing was happening at once and then everything was happening at the same time, I felt stretched physically, emotionally and psychologically, it was mad hectic and ecstatic.

But then, bit by bit, the dust settled and still, things happened that made me lost control all over, the year ending tested everything I thought I knew or have figured.

While starting out this entry, I am almost certain the regular readers of this yearly submission and those who saw the many and constant celebrations would have thought this would start on a glowing term, that drums would be rolled out with loads of Amapiano but whatever was seen as results stretched every fiber of emotions in me, it was an extremely emotionally stressful year.

I had many firsts this last year though, there’s no need going into details but I am grateful for them, I am extremely grateful for having good people around me. I am grateful, for the unbelievably kind humans who are all willing to go to any length to make my life worth living. I am grateful, to Almighty Allah for them and for the privilege of bringing these fantastic humans my way too.

The new year will come with all the new feels, new expectations, set goals and hopefully by Allah, we will get some, if not all over the line; if one is alive to see them to fruition, that is.

In all, today is my supposed birthday again, I have assumed more responsibilities for another life and hopefully, will do for more life(s) in the coming year, I pray to Almighty Allah to grant me the grace, wisdom, sufficiency in all ramifications to fulfill my pact and part. I have been overwhelmed by emotions, I still am and just like I did on the day my mother walked without aid into island maternity on broad street, I will cry if I want to.

“It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.”

– Chuck Palahnuik

4 Replies to “365 shots of Adrenaline (December 20 series)”

  1. Deep but Alhamdullilah still…No pain no gain! Happy birthday and congratulations for all you achieved so far and Mashaallah more of it go come our way. Ameen

  2. The ‘rooz like I always refer to you, though our writings have become few and far between, they still strike a nerve.
    I love the introspection in this piece, and how it is laced with gratitude while affirming the reality that it all came with grace, sprinkled with the right dose of sweat and blood.
    Happy New Year my blood, may the new season be filled with all that the Almighty wants for you.
    May you work within His plans for you.
    May you walk on the path He destined for you.
    May you plans align with His own.
    You have my best wishes brother.

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